Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1st, Digital Learning Day 13

Happy April 1st !  Here's a riddle for you on this occasion. 
Riddle: I have keys but no doors, I have space but no rooms, I allow you to enter, but you are never able to leave. What am I?

Finish the Nearpod Activity if you did not complete it yesterday. I saw that many students had logged in,  but did not finish it completely.  
Nearpod Activity: Multiplication and Division Word Problems– Please go to or download the Nearpod app and join by entering the code DHPSQ. Please enter your first and last name when joining the session. Each time you come back to the lesson, they should login with the exact same first and last name. Be sure to click the blue join session button. If you don’t then none of your work will get saved. Your teacher will automatically get reports of who is completing their work. 

Social Studies- Part One Log into Clever. Click on BrainPop (NOT BrainPop Jr.) and view your assignment through the Notifications menu at the top of the screen.  Watch the Cold War Video, watch it more than once if you need to. Once you are ready, take the Quiz assigned. Some questions will be multiple choice, others will be short response.  
Part Two Review Cold War Vocabulary on Quizlet , you can review terms by clicking Learn. Test yourself, and play a game like Match or Gravity using these terms. On Friday you will have a Quizizz  on the Cold War- Be Ready!!  

Writing- During these hard times, it is important to spread kindness and support those who are working so hard to keep us all healthy and safe. Today you will write a letter to a location of your choice, showing your support and thanking them for their dedication. Things you might include: Why you are thankful for them, what specifically have they done to help you, what character traits do you admire, details about who you are, a question or two for them to answer, etc. Feel free to draw a picture, too! 
On the reading blog you will find a list of locations of hospitals, grocery stores, police departments, and fire stations to choose from. If you have another location in mind that is not on my list that is completely fine. You may also leave your letter for your mailman or delivery driver. On the reading blog you will see an example of how your letter should be formatted and a check list you should usePlease make sure you include the necessary components a letter needs and follow my example for format. At the end of your letter please include the hashtag #Addisoncares (its possible they may post a response and I can track it). 
Please either hand write your letter or type it in Office365 and share with Ms. Howland. If you hand write your letter, please take a picture once you are finished and send it to me. You need to make sure your picture is clear enough so I can read it. Also, when you mail out your letter, let me know which location you are sending it to. Let’s spread some much needed love!