Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday 29 Virtual Learning Day 27

Math:  Xtramath- 10 minutes
Students who have been working on xtramath consistently have shown lot of improvement. Good job. Many of you will now move on to subtraction. You will be a step ahead if you enter middle school with fluent math facts.
Continue working on your Project:  Many of you have organized your presentation very well. I am so proud of your Powerpoint skills. Some of you are adding a lot of details and including many slides for each research topic. While I am proud of that effort, you may limit to only 1 or may be 2 slides for each research topic given. Please read the comments I have placed in your PowerPoint and don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you have questions. MATH RESEARCH AND DATA COLLECTION

Reading: Log into Clever. Click on BrainPop (NOT BrainPop Jr.) and view your assignment. When it comes to researching a topic or summarizing a book, it is important to know how to paraphrase what you read. You will watch a video on how to paraphrase correctly. Once you watch the video, please complete the review quiz assigned. 

Social Studies: Your slides are due today, here are the direct links to the museum and the directions. 

·       Virtual Museum link   

Some questions I received yesterday were:
 Can I do this on paper? Yes – as long as you have the question as the heading, you have an illustration/picture and the answer is in your own words. Send me a clear picture through email or class dojo. 

If I need another day is that okay? Yes. I will be checking again tomorrow to see if it is complete and if not it will be marked missing. Please manage your time well. If you follow directions and preview the choice board, it should help you focus your search for answers.