Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday 3/17- Digital Learning Day Two

·       Math-
Let’s Review Metric Measurement again.
Watch the following video which includes practice problems. Use scratch paper to solve along with the instructor.                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl05ibiY0aM

Resource: Measurement Chart, Strategy Cheat Sheet and Strategy Study Guide  ( In Math Binder)

AC Math: Continue working on Presentation (Watch videos to review if needed) and Zearn                         Assignment

 Social Studies-  Log in to Studies Weekly. Select Amanda Rivas as your teacher and continue reading Week 20 articles, videos and bonus sources. When you are ready take the test. Do not complete the separate writing assignments offered. Due by the end of day today.

Science Lab- Go to Mrs.Knobbe's Blog and click on 5th grade. She has recorded our science lab on parallel and series circuits that we were supposed to do today! 

·       Reading- 30 minutes of independent book, you will be completing a writing response based on this reading on Friday.

Specials- Follow your special's schedule and go to their blog to do an assignment. Specialist blogs are available through the Addison Elementary Website

 Listen to this historical fiction book that tells the story of an 11-year-old African-American girl living in the small town of Bumblebee, North Carolina in 1932. Stella comes from a hard-working family, whose community are shaken after the Klu Klux Klan reemerges in their community during the Great Depression. The novel follows Stella over the course of several months as she struggles to maintain hope and to pursue her dreams of becoming a journalist amidst the complex and oppressive world in which she lives.  The  ”N” word has been used in few places due the time period. We know that Addison students understand that it should not be used or repeated.