Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Homework 2/25

Math: None.
Reading: Book reports due on Monday.
Science: Students who did not bring their materials for their experiment today must bring them tomorrow. Thank you.
Social Studies: Projects are due tomorrow. Students received their study guides today for their vocabulary tests next week on 3/3/20.

Reading Reminder: All students should be reading two and a half hours per week and recording it in their agendas, please ensure your child completes this and sign their agenda each Thursday. Thank you.

Dates to Know:
2/27- STEM walk- please wear your Addison t-shirts/ a black t-shirt
2/28- Talent Show Auditions after school
3/5- International Night 6pm-8pm: students must be accompanied, no drop-offs.
3/11- Half Day 12:00 pm
3/13- End of 3rd Quarter
3/20- JJ Daniell Middle School Trip; Talent Show 1:00pm and 6:00 pm
3/24- Simpson Middle School Trip
3/27- 4th and 5th Grade dance- Wear your best neon/ glow accessories!!